How to Learn Boxing in 3 easy steps

In the previous post, we shared the benefits of kickboxing and how it is so great for you. This week we will delve into how to take the first step of learning how to box!

Step 1: Ask yourself 3 questions before you start learning boxing:

  1. What is boxing?

As stated in, Boxing is a combat sport where two participants compete against each other, and the aim is to strike your opponent with punches above the waistline during the course of a number of 3-minutes rounds. A judge or referee will determine who is the better boxer by seeing who scored the most points, thus naming them the winner. If you’ve watched many movies about boxing, you’ll know that when you knock down your opponent for at least 10 seconds, you’ll be named the winner of the match!

  1. Is it suitable for me?

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

You should know that anyone can learn boxing, just as long as they have the will and the drive for it. Since there are different weight categories in boxing, you’d be able to join even if you weigh 45kg or 85kg!

  1. What can I expect?

Since you’re new to boxing, you’ll be taught the basics of footwork and how to throw a punch. Hitting the boxing bag or some shadow boxing may also be taught as a beginner. During boxing, you move your whole body giving yourself a full workout while strengthening your muscles.

Training can be very intense as boxing teaches you how to be physically and mentally disciplined.
It’s also a great way to develop communication skills and boost one’s self-esteem.

Also, there are kickboxing gyms that have classes that specifically cater to women in Singapore like Active Zone.


Step 2: What else can you do to start your learning journey in boxing?

If you feel nervous and unsure about enrolling in a class just yet, you can always turn to your trusty friend: Google.

Look up about boxing and enrich your mind about things you can apply during an actual class! From online sources such as Expert Boxing’s The Beginner’s Guide to Boxing, you can learn the different moves and techniques that are used in the world of boxing.

Haven’t seen what boxing is like? Look up boxing videos on YouTube, or follow Instagram accounts that could help you dive deep into boxing.


The Final Step:

Equipped with all the beginner’s information you have, it’s time to sign up for a class! Don’t be afraid to do so, as long as you have the interest and the love for boxing.

At Aslan Sports, we provide world-class quality kickboxing equipment and activewear for you to kickstart your kickboxing journey. Visit our store HERE